Tisu sam kupio 2010. godine u rasadniku u Varaždinu. Bila je
posađena u ogromnu plastičnu posudu u
ilovaču. Polako sam skidao ilovaču dok nisam došao da mladog bijelog korijenja.
Zatim sam je presadio u običnu veliku keramičku okruglu posudu i zasipao
smjesom pumice i supstrata od nekih drveta koja su se posušila. Obično prvu
presadnju radim u veće i okrugle posude tako da se ne zamaram sa prednjom
stranom dok ne vidim kako će drvo samo reagirati i tek za godinu, dvije
razmišljam o prednjoj strani. Nakon četiri vegetacije probudilo se i dosta
latentnih pupova. Krajem ljeta slijedi skidanje iglica po starim granama i
detaljnije ožicavanje.
This Common
yew I bought in 2010. in
a nursery in Varaždin. It was planted in a huge plastic container in the clay.
Slowly I took off the clay until I came to a young white roots. Then I was
transplanted to a regular large ceramic round container and added a mixture of
pumice and substrate of some trees that are died. Usually the first
transplanting I done in larger and round
containers so they will not bother me with the front face until I see how the
tree react and only for a year or two I think about the front. After four
vegetation woke up and a lot of latent buds. In late summer, follow removing of
needles by the old branches, and detailed wiring.
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