Breza. Betula pendula.
Nakon tri vegetacije u prihvatnoj tegli, ovog proljeća bilo
je vrijeme da dobije prvu bonsai posudu.
Korjenova bala je bila sasvim u redu i lako se pripremila za
bonsai posudu. Nije dugo trebalo da krene, što znači da je vrlo dobro podnesla
svoje prvo presađivanje od vađenja pred tri godine.
Mislim da će ovog ljeta biti dosta posla da se
napravi ono što sam zamislio. Vidjet ćemo ujesen kad padne lišće.
Silver birch. Betula
After three vegetation periods
in the starter container, this spring it was time for it to be transplanted into
the first bonsai pot. The root ball was just fine and easy to prepare for the
bonsai pot. It did not take long for it to sprout new growth, indicating it had
endured its first transplant from digging out three years ago very well. I think
it will take a lot of work this summer to carry out my plans for it. We'll see
in autumn when it sheds its leaves.
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