2006. godine prilikom posjeta jednom rasadniku u Istri,
dobio sam na poklon ukorijenjenu grančicu divlje masline. Znao sam da će
trebati cijela vječnost da od te čačkalice postane nešto nalik bonsaiu.
Godine su prolazile, a grančica se polako debljala i davala
nove grane. Došlo je i prvo ožicavanje, održavanje, povratni rez….. Eto, nakon
devet godina, konačno liči na nešto što će za narednih devet godina biti
Year 2006. while visiting one nursery in Istria, I received as
a gift rooted branch wild olive. I knew it would take forever to create from these toothpicks something like bonsai.
Years passed, and the twigs are slowly put on weight and giving a new branches. The first wiring was coming, maintenance, reverse cut ... .. Well, after nine years, finally looks like something that for the next nine years will be a bonsai.
Years passed, and the twigs are slowly put on weight and giving a new branches. The first wiring was coming, maintenance, reverse cut ... .. Well, after nine years, finally looks like something that for the next nine years will be a bonsai.
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