Living work of art

"Bonsai. Neprekidan ciklus davanja i uzimanja, između čovjeka i drveta sa vječno živim i nikada završenim umjetničkim djelom."

"Bonsai can show the beauty of a work of art and become itself a work of art, only when it is true expression of the artist's creative power." S.E.

srijeda, 3. lipnja 2015.


Kolegica sa fakulteta koja ima rasadnik ukrasnog bilja, nakon izložbe u Ludbregu, zamolila me da dođem do nje i da neke od novo nabavljenih Pinus Mugoja pokušam pretvoriti u prebonsai. Drva su nabavljena lani i ovo im je prva vegetacija u PVC konteinerima.
Kako ovo baš i nije najbolje vrijeme za ožicavanje mugoja, od stotinjak drveta odabrao sam dvadesetak koji mogu zadovoljiti osnove bonsaija.
Za početak smo koristili najobičniju pocinčanu žicu za vinograd. Na drvima se napravio samo najosnovniji stajling, jer više ne bi mogli podnijeti u ovoj fazi i u ovo doba godine. Za ispomoć sam dobio dvije cure i jednog starijeg gospodina da kontrolira da mi na pamet ne padne nešto što ne bi trebalo.

After the exhibition in Ludbreg, a university colleague of mine who owns an ornamental plant nursery asked me to try to convert some of her recently acquired Pinus Mugo plants into prebonsai. The trees were obtained last year and this was their first vegetation period in PVC containers. 
As this is not the best time for wiring mugos, Out of about a hundred trees, I picked twenty which could satisfy the basic requirements for bonsai. For starters we used the common galvanized wire as used in vineyards. 
We used only the most basic styling, since the trees in this phase could not take more wiring in this phase and in this time of year. I was appointed with two girls and an older gentleman as helpers supervisors so that I wouldn't get too carried away!    

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