Living work of art

"Bonsai. Neprekidan ciklus davanja i uzimanja, između čovjeka i drveta sa vječno živim i nikada završenim umjetničkim djelom."

"Bonsai can show the beauty of a work of art and become itself a work of art, only when it is true expression of the artist's creative power." S.E.

utorak, 17. studenoga 2015.

ABIES ALBA - JELA 2007-2015.

Jela je iskopana u veljači 2007. godine na obližnjoj planini. Jele imaju vrlo izražen centralni korijen pa je veliki problem iskopati je da preživi. Srećom, pod ovom mojom bila je kamena podloga pa je i centralni korijen bio savijen dosta plitko.
Velika većina grana bila je neupotrebljiva, morala se odrezati.
Nakon što se ustabilila i dobro odradila par vegetacija došlo je vrijeme da se potkrati ostatak centralnog korijena i presadi u manju pripremnu teglu.
Pred 3 godina dobila je prvu bonsai posudu. Isprva zbog položaja bale malo previše nagnuta, no i to se polako ispravljalo.
Eto, navršava 8. godinu kod mene i sve više liči na dobar bonsai.

This Abies Alba was unearthed in February 2007 on a nearby mountain. They have very strong central root and the big problem is to dig to survive. Fortunately, below this mine is the stones and it’s central root was bent quite shallow.
The vast majority of branches was useless, and I must cut it.
After she established itself well and done good a couple of vegetation, it was time to shorten the rest of the central root and transplanted into a smaller rounded pot.
Before 3 years she received the first bonsai pot.  At first, because of the position bales little sloping, I must raise the trunk up.

Well, she spend the eighth year with me, and more and more looks like a good bonsai.

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