Living work of art

"Bonsai. Neprekidan ciklus davanja i uzimanja, između čovjeka i drveta sa vječno živim i nikada završenim umjetničkim djelom."

"Bonsai can show the beauty of a work of art and become itself a work of art, only when it is true expression of the artist's creative power." S.E.

utorak, 5. srpnja 2016.


           Godine iskapanja yamadorija, ogromni gubici na crnogorici, ostavili su svoj trag. Od deset porilično dobrih silvestrisa ili nigri, pet ti prežive vađenje, a tek jedan ili dva opstanu, kilave po nekoliko godina u posudama....a ponekad se desi da ponestane tegle pa ga onako usput posadim vani u ilovici. I gle čuda, skoro svaki opstane. Ima ipak nešto u onom što su govorili naši stari. "Ilovica je ljekovita. Ona kad tad izliječi sve bolesti." Pa ako to volite idemo onda tako.
         Pred desetak godina počeo sam sve više iskapati mlađi materijal pogodan za oblikovanje po mojim željama i bacati ga u ljekovitu ilovicu. Danas u rasadu imam ni sam ne znam koliko silvestrisa, a tu su i nigre, strobusi, aceri, lipe, grabovi, bukve, smreke, tise, svibovi, breze, hrastovi.... 
        Al iako je ilovica ljekovita, ne zna ona sama od sebe formirati kvalitetan prebonsai. Potrebno je znati uskladiti zamišljen oblik prebonsaia sa doslovce pojedinačnim fiziološkim procesima svakog mjeseca koji se dešavaju na baš tom drvetu. A drugačija je fiziologija silvestrisa od nigre, lipe od hrasta, breze od graba.....cedra od smreke....hvala bogu zahvaljujući znanju fiziologije bilja za drvenaste kulture sa faksa, sve sam prokužio i pohvatao. sad ostaje samo da to primijenjujem i proizvodim.
       I da se nitko ne mora mučiti sa kopanjem i preživljavanjem yamadorija, ako to baš izrazito ne želi.

       Years of digging yamadori's, huge losses on conifers, have left their mark. From ten good silvestris or nigra pines five survive transplantation, and only one or two survive second or third years in pots .... and sometimes happened to run out of the container so I planted out in clay. And look, almost all survive. Is there still something in what they said our old parents. "Clay is healing. It eventually cure all diseases." So, if you're love it, you'l have it.
      Ten years ago, I began to dig younger material suitable for the formation of my wishes and throw him in the healing Clay. Today, I have in nursery I don't know how much silvestris, and there are many nigra's, strobus, acers, linden, hornbeam, beech, spruces, yews, dogwood, birches, oak ....
       But the healing clay, does not know it by itself establish a quality prebonsai. It is necessary to know how to reconcile conceived prebonsai form with literally individual physiological processes off each month that are happening at that particular tree. And it is different physiology of silvestris than on nigra pines, linden trees of oak, birch from elm ..... cedar spruce .... thanks God to the knowledge of plant physiology in woody culture in my college, I everything catch and understand. Now it remains only to apply and produce.
      And that no one should bother with a digging and survival yamadori trees, if it just does not stongly want it.

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