Living work of art

"Bonsai. Neprekidan ciklus davanja i uzimanja, između čovjeka i drveta sa vječno živim i nikada završenim umjetničkim djelom."

"Bonsai can show the beauty of a work of art and become itself a work of art, only when it is true expression of the artist's creative power." S.E.

petak, 9. prosinca 2016.

Prvi su doma !

Dvadesetak je silvestrisa tijekom jeseni prebačeno u posude. Neki su se već dobrano ustabilili u svojim posudama. Do sad su bili ožicavani više manje samo u hortikulturnom smislu uz naglasak osnovnih linija. Došlo je vrijeme da se odredi koje će grane ubuduće ostati, koje će biti viška. Svako drvo treba malo kompaktirati, odabrati pravu prednju stranu....
Ove zime još radim sam, no nadam se da će narednih zima biti gužva na radionicama jer će na novih pedesetak trebati skidati žice iz rasada, čistiti i pripremati grane za prežicavanje....a možda se koji i kome dopadne pa ga kupi....

Around twenty silvestris pines during autumn are moved in containers. Some are already well established in their pots. So far they have been wired more or less only in the horticultural sense emphasizing basic lines. 
The time has come to determine which branches will remain in the future, which will be reduced. Every tree must bee a little compacted, select the right front side ....

This winter I still do alone, but I hope that the coming winter will be crowded in the workshops because it will be lot of work to remove the wires from nursery, clean and prepare the needles and branches for rewiring .... and maybe some pine pleases somebody, and somebody by someone...

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