Two silvestris pines which expires four years from the last transplant. It is maximum for this size and substrate use. In both circular rots nicely developed. White, healthier, cant be better. Standard procedure, the same substrate. Small goes in to little shallower, and a little wider pot.
Living work of art
"Bonsai. Neprekidan ciklus davanja i uzimanja, između čovjeka i drveta sa vječno živim i nikada završenim umjetničkim djelom."
"Bonsai can show the beauty of a work of art and become itself a work of art, only when it is true expression of the artist's creative power." S.E.
četvrtak, 15. rujna 2016.
Dva silvestrisa kojima ističe četiri godine od zadnjeg presađivanja. To je negdje maksimum za ovu veličinu i supstrat koji koristim. Na oba se cirkularno jako lijepo razvilo. Bijelo, zdravo, bolje ne može. Standardna procedura, otrilike isti supstrat i podloga. Manjem nešto plića, i malo šira posuda.
Two silvestris pines which expires four years from the last transplant. It is maximum for this size and substrate use. In both circular rots nicely developed. White, healthier, cant be better. Standard procedure, the same substrate. Small goes in to little shallower, and a little wider pot.
Two silvestris pines which expires four years from the last transplant. It is maximum for this size and substrate use. In both circular rots nicely developed. White, healthier, cant be better. Standard procedure, the same substrate. Small goes in to little shallower, and a little wider pot.
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