Living work of art

"Bonsai. Neprekidan ciklus davanja i uzimanja, između čovjeka i drveta sa vječno živim i nikada završenim umjetničkim djelom."

"Bonsai can show the beauty of a work of art and become itself a work of art, only when it is true expression of the artist's creative power." S.E.

petak, 16. rujna 2016.

TISA presađivanje

Prošlo je 4 godine od kad je bila prvi put prebačena u bonsai posudu. I to točno na današnji dan pred 4 godine. Isto drvo, isti postupak, nešto plića posuda....vidimo se opet za 4 godine....

It's been four years since she was first transferred to the bonsai pot. And this is exactly on this day four years before. The same tree, the same procedure, some shallower pot .... I'll see you again in four years ....

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