2011 years. I was looking for quality material, black pine. By the the way I came across one poor who I accidentally pulled a little, and he by himself dropped from the sandy soil. So, I found this shoelace in my hand. Pine landless root? I'm take a little slap off the wet sand at and put the roots it in the bag. The same day I took another two call serious yamadori's. As it usually happens, two serious with good rootbale goes to the happy hunting grounds, and this small shoelace obstinate to a received. It was decided that once it will bee cascade. And look, the cascade is in its fifth year. And how the little fights and fights. He fight that is much stronger, and I to be it more beautiful.
Living work of art
"Bonsai. Neprekidan ciklus davanja i uzimanja, između čovjeka i drveta sa vječno živim i nikada završenim umjetničkim djelom."
"Bonsai can show the beauty of a work of art and become itself a work of art, only when it is true expression of the artist's creative power." S.E.
utorak, 31. svibnja 2016.
2011. godina. U potrazi za kvalitetnijim materijalom crnog bora, us put sam naišao na jednog siromaška kojeg sam nehotice malo povukao, a on sam od sebe ispao iz pjeskovite škarpe. I tako mi se ovaj ŽNIRANAC našao u ruci. Bor bez zemlje na korijenu? Svejedno sam mu nabacao nešto mokrog pijeska na korijen i ubacio ga u vreću, sve povezao. Istog dana izvadio sam još i dva nazovimo ozbiljna yamadorija. Kao što to obično biva, dva ozbiljna sa dobrom balom na kojoj je ostalo dosta zemlje su otišla u vječna lovišta, a ovaj mali žniranac se baš zainatio i primio. Odlučeno je da jednom bude kaskada. I eto, kaskadi ide peta godina. Tko bi rekao, kak se mali bori i bori. On da bude što jači, a ja da bude što ljepši.
2011 years. I was looking for quality material, black pine. By the the way I came across one poor who I accidentally pulled a little, and he by himself dropped from the sandy soil. So, I found this shoelace in my hand. Pine landless root? I'm take a little slap off the wet sand at and put the roots it in the bag. The same day I took another two call serious yamadori's. As it usually happens, two serious with good rootbale goes to the happy hunting grounds, and this small shoelace obstinate to a received. It was decided that once it will bee cascade. And look, the cascade is in its fifth year. And how the little fights and fights. He fight that is much stronger, and I to be it more beautiful.
2011 years. I was looking for quality material, black pine. By the the way I came across one poor who I accidentally pulled a little, and he by himself dropped from the sandy soil. So, I found this shoelace in my hand. Pine landless root? I'm take a little slap off the wet sand at and put the roots it in the bag. The same day I took another two call serious yamadori's. As it usually happens, two serious with good rootbale goes to the happy hunting grounds, and this small shoelace obstinate to a received. It was decided that once it will bee cascade. And look, the cascade is in its fifth year. And how the little fights and fights. He fight that is much stronger, and I to be it more beautiful.
četvrtak, 26. svibnja 2016.
Tri graba koji su ovog proljeća prvi puta dobili bonsai posudu. Već u pripremnoj fazi jednom im je bio kraćen korijen i obavljeno grubo ožicavanje. Primanje i kretanje u bonsai posudi je uspjelo. Naredne dvije godine slijedi fina ramifikacija, a tek zatim postepeno smanjivanje listova i završno oblikovanje.
Three carpinus wich this spring for the first time get a bonsai pot. Already in the preparatory phase roots are pruned, and rough wiring is done. Receiving and good start in bonsai pot finished. Next two years, followed a fine ramification, and only then gradually reduce the leaves and final design.
Three carpinus wich this spring for the first time get a bonsai pot. Already in the preparatory phase roots are pruned, and rough wiring is done. Receiving and good start in bonsai pot finished. Next two years, followed a fine ramification, and only then gradually reduce the leaves and final design.
srijeda, 25. svibnja 2016.
Nakon što sam je lani prebacio u prvu bonsai posudu, lagano prorijedio i na grubo ožicao, tisa je sasvim solidno krenula. Došlo je vrijeme da joj malo pročistim unutrašnjost, izoliram glavne buduće grane da tijekom ljeta imaju više svjetla u unutrašnjosti kako bi krenuli povratni pupovi. Istovremeno je trebalo još malo pipincirati i ožicati mladu periferiju. To je moja druga tisa. Nadam se da sam pohvatao tehniku i da mogu polako krenuti na sve bolje i bolje primjerke.
After I was last year put it to the first bonsai pot, slowly thinned and take the rough wiring, yew is quite well started. The time has come to litlle clean her interior, isolate the main future branches that during the summer they have more light in the interior in order to a back buding. Allso, young periphery must bee pinched and little wired.
This is my second yew. I hope I've caught a technique that can slowly start to get better and better yews.
After I was last year put it to the first bonsai pot, slowly thinned and take the rough wiring, yew is quite well started. The time has come to litlle clean her interior, isolate the main future branches that during the summer they have more light in the interior in order to a back buding. Allso, young periphery must bee pinched and little wired.
This is my second yew. I hope I've caught a technique that can slowly start to get better and better yews.
utorak, 24. svibnja 2016.
Ovog malog silvestrisa stavio sam na manji kamen pred kojih 5 godina. Nije baš jednostavno rasplesti korijenje boru, omotati ga oko kamena i da ti to preživi. No eto, ovom je nekako uspjelo. Prvo je sve sa kamenom bilo u dubokoj tegli,a kasnije se polako izdizalo sve pliće i pliće. Ovog je proljeća presađen i u pliću okrugu armbet posudu. Rano je krenuo, rano je pinciran, a danas sam pokratio dio lanjskih iglica i malo sposložio žicanjem prirast zadnjih dviju godina.
This little silvestris I put on a small stone before five years. It's not easy to unravel the roots of pine, wrap it around the stone and make it survive. But that little pine had lucky. In the first time all was planted in deep container with stone, and then slowly transplated in the shallower and shallower. This spring he got shallow rounded armbet container. He started early, early is pinched, and today I cutt part of last year's needles and little modified with wirig the last two years growth.
ponedjeljak, 23. svibnja 2016.
Juniperusi su sigurno jedan najljepših drveta za bonsai. Omogućuju da se igraš potpuno slobodno sa oblikovanjem. Omogućuju ti da se igraš baš kao neki ludi expresionista. No da bi savlado expresionizam moraš proučavati i učiti kojim su se potezima kista i kojim bojama, alatom služili stari majstori. Jednog od nekolicine juniperusa koji čekaju na svoj red uzeo sam u obradu da polako učim, promatram što se može, što ne može, a što će se događati nakon što ono nešto uradim i td. Ajd, barem dobro poznajem fiziologiju, uzroke i posljedice.....
Sa svojim prvim juniperusom imao sam sreću.
Juniperus are certainly a beautiful tree for bonsai. They allow to play completely free with design. They allow you to play just like some crazy expresionist painter. But in order to overcome expresionizam you have to study and learn which brush strokes and colors for use, which tool used the old masters. One of the few Juniperus waiting for their transforation I start to slowly teach, observe what can be, what can not be, and what will happen after that do something and so on. C'mon, at least I know well the plant physiology, the causes and consequences .....witj my first Juniper I have lucky.
With my first juniperus I had lucky.
Sa svojim prvim juniperusom imao sam sreću.
Juniperus are certainly a beautiful tree for bonsai. They allow to play completely free with design. They allow you to play just like some crazy expresionist painter. But in order to overcome expresionizam you have to study and learn which brush strokes and colors for use, which tool used the old masters. One of the few Juniperus waiting for their transforation I start to slowly teach, observe what can be, what can not be, and what will happen after that do something and so on. C'mon, at least I know well the plant physiology, the causes and consequences .....witj my first Juniper I have lucky.
With my first juniperus I had lucky.
Lady in green. Pinciranje je završeno. Krenula je skoro pa mjesec dana za ostalim shohin smrekicama. No očito je da je dobro odradila početka vegetacije. Sad nek se nove iglice malo očvrsnu pa onda idemo na ljetni dio rezidbe imalo popdešavanja grana. Budući da je deblo tanko i pomalo nezanimljivo, mali shari nastaje sa lijeve strane.
Lady in green. Pincing is completed. She started almost a month after shohin piceas. But it is obvious that she good done the beginning of the growing season. Now a new needle shud slightly harden and then we go to the summer part of the pruning and setup of branches. Because the trunk is thin and some uninteresting, small shari occurs on the left side.
Lady in green. Pincing is completed. She started almost a month after shohin piceas. But it is obvious that she good done the beginning of the growing season. Now a new needle shud slightly harden and then we go to the summer part of the pruning and setup of branches. Because the trunk is thin and some uninteresting, small shari occurs on the left side.
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