Three carpinus wich this spring for the first time get a bonsai pot. Already in the preparatory phase roots are pruned, and rough wiring is done. Receiving and good start in bonsai pot finished. Next two years, followed a fine ramification, and only then gradually reduce the leaves and final design.
Living work of art
"Bonsai. Neprekidan ciklus davanja i uzimanja, između čovjeka i drveta sa vječno živim i nikada završenim umjetničkim djelom."
"Bonsai can show the beauty of a work of art and become itself a work of art, only when it is true expression of the artist's creative power." S.E.
četvrtak, 26. svibnja 2016.
Tri graba koji su ovog proljeća prvi puta dobili bonsai posudu. Već u pripremnoj fazi jednom im je bio kraćen korijen i obavljeno grubo ožicavanje. Primanje i kretanje u bonsai posudi je uspjelo. Naredne dvije godine slijedi fina ramifikacija, a tek zatim postepeno smanjivanje listova i završno oblikovanje.
Three carpinus wich this spring for the first time get a bonsai pot. Already in the preparatory phase roots are pruned, and rough wiring is done. Receiving and good start in bonsai pot finished. Next two years, followed a fine ramification, and only then gradually reduce the leaves and final design.
Three carpinus wich this spring for the first time get a bonsai pot. Already in the preparatory phase roots are pruned, and rough wiring is done. Receiving and good start in bonsai pot finished. Next two years, followed a fine ramification, and only then gradually reduce the leaves and final design.
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