I can say that I'm very happy to be contacted by the Embassy of Japan in Zagreb to participate as an exhibitor with my suiseki and bonsai in the Japanese culture week at the Westin Hotel in Zagreb,11.03. - 20.03. On the other hand is not exactly easy to restore the luster off the 50 tables, 30 daiza, refresh thirty stones, transplant and arrange for an exhibition dozen off bonsai .....for a week.
Pranje suisekija od prašine
Premazivanje i obnova glanca
Lakiranje i sušenje daiza
Svega po malo
Prvi dio spreman za pakiranje,
svaki u svoju vrećicu i u PVC sanduk
Abies Coreana ide kao primjer bonsaia dobivenog iz rasadničkog materijala
Grab mora ići u pliću posudu, ionak mu je dve sezone u prvoj bilo dosta.
A ova mala lipa ide kak primjer malog shohina iz mladice u šumici.
Uff za danas čist dost posla.
Uff, enough work for first day...
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